Ritter Technology Data Center

Ensuring operational readiness

It is the most important goal of centralized data centre provision. Only when all components work together flawlessly is it possible for the end user to use the service without restrictions.

Typical critical factors are

  • Connections to providers
  • Power supply
  • Monitoring

  • Data storage
  • Data backups
  • Air conditioning

  • Access, entry

Extensive measures have been taken for hosting in our data center in order to achieve the necessary stability for critical company applications (see diagram: Structure of Oberhausen data center). Our data center services include the following services:

  • Setting up or upgrading our own data centers and server rooms and those operated by the customer
  • Individual planning and secure operation of dedicated infrastructure environments at Ritter Technologie's data center in Oberhausen
  • Efficient resource utilization through dynamic application provisioning (see scheme: DAB) on a monthly rental basis, including all licenses required for the software necessary for effective operation.


With regard to our IDP applications, at least three redundant data centers guarantee constant availability.